
November 21, 2013

More thoughts to ponder on…

(whole articles and/or books can be written on each of these thoughts...)

The surface mind doesn’t stop to race ahead, based on the past, as long as it remains programmed and untrained to serve...

The answers provided by its programming are always only "skin-deep", no matter what we assume to know...

We see as we are unconsciously programmed to see; no one and nothing besides our own self is responsible for our perception...

We need to understand the brain/mind connection and realize the power we have but are unaware of... 

What we focus our attention on, whether positive or negative becomes a closed reality once we believe it... 

Judgment exists where awareness is absent...

Our external experiences point to our self, which we continue to miss, as long as we are depending on our sensual surface mind to see...

Intention creates realities that linear timing (or linear thinking) cannot grasp or connect...

Everything that is an illusion is an opportunity to see...

Whether we realize it or not, we are always guided. The challenge is know...

All life is about relationships... our relation with everything and everyone, according to the relationship we have with our self...

Life is the manifestation of intent...

Truth is reachable and attainable, each moment that we are able to escape linear thinking (and time)...

There is nothing “out there” that can be recognized beyond the self...

Love is not an emotion; it is a state of being that is inclusive and a creation beyond the synthesis of the opposites...

All paradoxes hide truth; the challenge remains to accept and merge the opposites...

A system based (either internally or externally) on “you are guilty until proven innocent”, can only be a deceitful one...

Many more thoughts to ponder on present themselves daily, when we remain conscious observers and conscious participants. When we dare to slow down our life and think creatively, we discover that life works in miraculous ways (not always to our liking), if we flow with our Selves and not against...

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