
March 30, 2014

Your Two Minds

We’re used to saying “I’m right brain dominant” or “I’m left brain dominant”, not really recognizing that “left brain" people also have a right brain and vice-versa. Furthermore, the new trend is to discard this theory altogether, based on “lack of scientific evidence”.

I will dare to cut through all the definitions, impressions, hypothesis and perceived concepts, beyond science and superstition, in an attempt to offer a little more practical understanding, through experience. For, beyond all the clear-cut views, physical evidence and structured thesis, there is another world, the least noted, the least appreciated; that of a right brain/chaotic mind/"unspecialized" person, who thinks outside any box.

The prevailing superstition about right brain people – dyslexics, ADHD, Autistic, Asperger’s etc. – as well as the many treating/healing/helping programs that exist, will always make me write articles like these.

There are so many ways that I can address this issue and there are so many perceptions that I can focus on, that it becomes entirely impossible to include all in a structured, organized way, in just one article. Bare with me if you’re “left-brained” and expect things to be done in a certain (right) way.

So, let us take two kids who are preparing to do their homework or sitting down to do something specific that they are required to do. The one (I’m sure you know which one) will get right to it, while the other will probably start staring out the window…

Every thought that comes into your mind, although might seem random and irrelevant, has a reason for being there. The left-brain, if dominant, can “shut out” anything irrelevant to the hands-on task and continue in what it has set out to do, excluding all else. The two totally opposite ways of thinking, both have a reason and subsequently a value for existing and both are necessary to every individual. Yet, we must be willing to see them separately, as we would be willing to observe two totally different people; who exist simultaneously within us.

So, the “right-brain person” within us, has the tendency to “fly away”, get distracted and de-focus from the task ahead. The challenge would be to allow this to happen, when possible, instead of trying to discipline it and “bring it back”. To know the significance of the random, seemingly unconnected thoughts, images and emotions, you need to allow, observe and then make the connections. In terms of linear time, this might be a “long time”, especially in the beginning, if you are not trained in self-acceptance, allowing, observation and self-synthesis.

The first indications are always your emotions, which guide you to your thoughts, beliefs, phobias, perceived needs; the inner dialogue and the mind's reality. Beyond but also through all of this, lies who you really are: your talents, virtues, desires and unique offerings to the world.

The mind that can focus its attention on one obligation, one task and systematically carry it out until its completion, is an organized, structured mind. Think of it as a “laser-focused mind”.

A mind that gets "distracted", finds "illogical" input such as beauty, meaning, purpose, color, self-participation, takes longer to complete a task, which it does not recognize as an obligation. It seems chaotic and unstructured, where personal structuring DOES exist, according to its own “globe-like” perception.

As you can understand so far, if you are willing to be open-minded, both “laser-like” and “globe-like” perceptions are useful and equally needed. Can we have both at the same time? Can we trust both at the same time? Can we teach the other to all people, no matter the dominance or the time taken to cultivate and exercise the one? These are the sort of questions that I think we should be asking and working on, instead of trying to “help” dyslexics (for example) and get into needless debates on details and perceived "truths".

In a language based world, the playful “chaotic mind” is balanced through focusing on symbols, writing, collecting data and re-affirming.

Repetition has absolutely no meaning, as it is seen as boring and useless. Re-affirming means that each time the right-brain mind looks, it sees differently or more of, thus establishing that which it chooses to know, through a "fresh" outlook. Sometimes it will add, other times it will subtract details and organize them differently, according to its better (and even wider)understanding.

In linear time, it takes longer for the “global mind” to complete a task because it has a lot more information to handle and process. It also loses track of linear time, as it exists in another, "holistic" time. On the contrary, when it is faced with a problem, it will reach a solution and “see” the answer, much faster because it can completely bypass the disciplined, linear structure, almost simultaneously as the problem arises.

Based on the subject discussed and the viewpoint being focused on, I can add many more ways in which the right-brain mind can be balanced and co-operative in the linear reality. Yet, to be fair and to really address the whole issue on a wider scale, we also need to balance the left-brain mind, which has become highly technical, extremely expertised and over-powerful, in a world that is rapidly changing and does not match its structured rules and perception anymore.

Yet, for a right-brain globe- mind, each time the question is asked, with different wording, within a new meaning or a different focus, the answer can be different. Not "right" or "wrong" but different, where "different" means another perception, equally as right as any other but just as partial, no matter the expansion.

It is your right brain-mind that can SEE (not hypothesize) through the linear time perceptions and beyond the perceived physical reality with its structured laws. So, how much are you positive that you know and how much can you assertively control?

How can we create more balanced people, who can tap into their full potential, use more of their whole mind, for the good of all (themselves and others)? My concluding point is this: we need to concentrate on our differences and utilize all the qualities that we all possess, whether dominant or secondary.That is how we can know the parts and synthesize through accepting all. A real challenge ahead!

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